Beyond Borders’s movie reviews
Reviewed 2003
The ending of the Beyond Borders film was saddened. Because, when Sarah (Angelina Jolie) was undertaking a final trip to Chechnya, she heard that Dr. Nick Callahan (Clive Owen) has disappeared. He has been captured and made a prisoner of war there. She realized she has one more chance to rescue the man. But unfortunately, when she would to secure the man, she got shooted by Chechnya Company and than she was died. The Chechnya company gave a free to Dr. Nick Callahan and he tried to be a good father to Sarah’s daugther. He would safe Sarah’s daughter everytime.
The character who I like...
The character who I like is Mrs. Sarah Jordan (Angelina Jolie). She always care about someone. She knew that she could not do by herself,but she always tried to do it. She was certain that she had an ability to solve the problem. She tried to solve humanity problem in Ethiopia,Chechnya and the other place. She spent a lot of money that used for sociality there.